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La Banque de la République du Burundi (BRB) est la banque centrale burundaise.

Fondée en 1964, son siège principal se trouve à Bujumbura.

Depuis 2012, le gouverneur de la BRB est Jean Ciza.


Le franc burundais est la devise officielle du Burundi depuis 1960.

Il est divisé en 100 centimes, bien qu'aucune pièce ni aucun billet n'aient jamais été émis en centimes de franc burundais.


Les billets de petite coupure (10, 20 et 50 francs burundais) vont être retirés de la circulation. La Banque de la République du Burundi indique que des pièces de monnaie vont remplacer ces billets qui vieillissent rapidement et qui coutent cher. (date de l'article 02-06-2014)



The Bank of the Republic of Burundi (BRB) is the central bank of Burundi.
Founded in 1964, its headquarters are in Bujumbura.
Since 2012, the governor of the BRB is Jean Ciza.


The Burundian franc has been the official currency of Burundi since 1960.
It is divided into 100 cents, although no coins or notes have ever been issued in cent of Burundian francs.

Small banknotes (10, 20 and 50 Burundian francs) will be withdrawn from circulation. The Bank of the Republic of Burundi indicates that coins will replace these notes which are aging rapidly and are expensive. (date of the article 02-06-2014)

Banque de la République du Burundi
Emission 1977-1995

Monnaie:   Le Franc Burundais (F,franc) BIF

3 billets

Banque de la République du Burundi

Bank of the Republic of Burundi

Emission  1977-1995


Les armoiries du Burundi furent adoptées en 1966
et se décrivent ainsi: De gueules à la bordure d'or,
une tête de lion en son centre. Le blason est soutenu
par trois lances traditionnelles africaines et posé sur une ceinture d'argent avec la devise nationale : "Unité, Travail, Progrès".

The coat of arms of Burundi was adopted in 1966
and describe themselves thus: Gules with a gold border,
a lion's head in its center. The coat of arms is supported
by three traditional African spears and placed on a silver belt with the national motto: "Unity, Work, Progress".

Emission 1979-2005

Emission  1979-2005


10 Francs 2005-Burundi

Bézier curves are parametric polynomial curves first described in 1962 by Pierre Bézier (Arts et Métiers engineer and Supélec at Renault management in the 1950s) who used them to design auto parts using 'computers. They have many applications in the synthesis of images and the rendering of fonts. They have given birth to many other mathematical objects.

Emission 2008-2013

Emission  2008-2013



Lake Tanganyika, or Tanganika is the second African lake by surface after Lake Victoria, the second in the world by volume and depth after Lake Baikal, and the longest freshwater lake in the world (677 km). It is the most full of fish in the world.

The culture of tea in Burundi is made up of more than 300,000 producers. 80% of THE BURUNDI'S TEA is sold at weekly auctions held in the Kenyan port city of Mombassa.

 It is the most full of fish in the world. Its waters join the Congo Basin then the Atlantic Ocean. It is estimated that its formation dates back about 20 million years.

2000 Francs 2008-Burundi
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