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Viêt Nam

La Banque d'État du Vietnam (SBV) est l'unique émetteur de la monnaie de la République socialiste du Vietnam. Son unité monétaire est le Dong.

Depuis 2003, la Banque d'État du Vietnam applique la science et la technologie modernes à la production de billets de banque afin d'améliorer la qualité de l'impression ainsi que les caractéristiques de sécurité des billets de banque vietnamiens. Par conséquent, à certaines périodes, deux sortes de notes ayant la même dénomination mais des conceptions différentes ont circulé ensemble.

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) is the sole issuer of the currency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Its monetary unit is Dong.

Since 2003, the State Bank of Vietnam has been applying modern science and technology to the production of banknotes to improve the quality of printing as well as the security features of Vietnamese banknotes. Consequently, at certain periods, two kinds of notes with the same name but different conceptions circulated together.


Monnaie: Đồng (Dong​) VND

12 billets

Vietnam du Sud

Sud Viêt Nam

La république du Viêt Nam (ou plus communément Viêt Nam du Sud) est un État ayant existé de 1955 à 1975 dans le sud du Viêt Nam actuel. Le 26 octobre 1955, le nouveau président Ngô Dinh Diêm proclamait la République du Viêt Nam après un référendum demandant l'opinion du peuple sud-vietnamien sur la déposition du chef de l'État Bảo Đại et l'adoption officielle d'un régime républicain, afin de faire face à l'hégémonie communiste.

Opposée à la République démocratique du Viêt Nam durant la guerre du Viêt Nam, la République du Viêt Nam disparaît suite à sa conquête, en violation du traité de Paris, le 30 avril 1975 par les communistes du Nord-Viêt Nam. Après une période transitoire pendant laquelle les territoires sudistes sont administrés par le Gouvernement révolutionnaire provisoire du Việt Cộng, l'ancienne république du Viêt Nam est absorbée en 1976 par le Nord communiste pour former l'actuelle République socialiste du Viêt Nam.

The Republic of Vietnam (or more commonly South Vietnam) is a state that existed from 1955 to 1975 in the south of present-day Vietnam. On October 26, 1955, the new President Ngô Dinh Diêm proclaimed the Republic of Vietnam after a referendum demanding the opinion of the South Vietnamese people on the statement of the Head of State Bảo Đại and the official adoption of a republican regime , in order to cope with communist hegemony.
Opposed to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War, the Republic of Vietnam disappears following its conquest, in violation of the Treaty of Paris, on April 30, 1975 by the Communists of North Vietnam. After a transitional period during which the southern territories were administered by the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Việt Cộng, the former Republic of Vietnam was absorbed in 1976 by the Communist North to form the present Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Emission ND1972

Banque Nationale du Vietnam

National Bank of Vietnam

 Emission ND 1972


Banque Nationale du Vietnam

National Bank of Vietnam

500 Dong

500 Dong ND 1972

The Reunification Palace, formerly "Independence Palace or, Norodom Palace", is a historic building in Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam. The palace was used as the official residence of the presidents of the Republic of Vietnam, and as the place of official transfer of power during the reunification ceremony on April 30, 1975.

Very present in the central zone of old Vietnam, the tiger was the object of a cult in certain villages for which it represented a real threat on a daily basis. For French settlers, tiger hunting is an essential leisure activity, a social distinction celebrating their virility and their power over nature.

Banque d'Etat du Vietnam

State Bank of Vietnam

Hô Chi Minh , né Nguyễn Sinh Cung, est un militant communiste et homme d'État vietnamien et est le 1er président de la
République démocratique du Viêt Nam.
Il est né le 19 mai 1890 à Hoàng Trù, (Province de Nghệ An) et mort le 2 septembre 1969, à Hanoï. Il est le fondateur de l'actuel Parti communiste vietnamien et de la République démocratique du Viêt Nam.

En 1975, le nom de Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville (Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh) fut donné à la ville la plus peuplée du Vietnam, l'ancienne Saïgon.

Ho Chi Minh, born Nguyễn Sinh Cung, is a Vietnamese Communist militant and statesman and is the first president of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. He was born on May 19, 1890 in Hoàng Trù, (Nghệ An Province) and died on September 2, 1969, in Hanoi. He is the founder of the current Vietnamese Communist Party and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
In 1975, the name of Ho Chi Minh City (Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh) was given to the most populated city of Vietnam, the former Saigon.

Emission 1987-1994

 Emission 1987-1994

500 Dong 1988

Hai Phong Port is a group of ports in the City of Haiphong (Vietnam), serving North Vietnam and the future Kunming-Lao Cai-Hanoi-Haiphong Corridor. It is the largest port in North Vietnam
This is where all the goods from Europe and China arrive.

1000 Dong 1988

The Lotus is the emblematic flower of Vietnam,

known as "Hoa Sen or Liên Hoa" it symbolizes purity, beauty, serenity, elevation, fruitfulness, spiritual and perfection because it opens above the muddy waters and forms a cup turned towards the sky. The lotus also represents the Buddha among Buddhists.

2000 Dong 1988

Working women
in what was the largest textile factory
in Indochina at Nam Dinh. The launch of the factory created
an opportunity for the revolutionary movement of the formation of the working class and of continuous growth.

5000 Dong 1991

The Tri An reservoir is a large artificial lake formed by the dam of the same name and fed from the highlands near Dalat.

Completed in the early 1980s with the help of the Soviets, the dam and its hydroelectric plant provide most of the electricity in Ho Chi Minh City

10000 Dong 1993

Fai Tsi Long Archipelago is an island
in Tinh Quang Ninh, Vietnam.
She is also known as "Claws of the Dragon"


Le blason de la République socialiste du Vietnam (2 juillet 1976) est de forme circulaire et est similaire à celui de la République populaire de Chine ; au centre, sur un fond de gueules, figure une étoile à cinq branches entourée d'épis de riz d'or. Dans la partie inférieure, on peut voir une roue d'engrenage et une ceinture de gueules sur laquelle figure la dénomination officielle du pays : « Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam » (République socialiste du Vietnam).

The coat of arms of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (July 2, 1976) is circular in shape and is similar to that of the People's Republic of China; in the center, against a background of gules, is a five-pointed star surrounded by ears of golden rice. In the lower part, one can see a gear wheel and a gules belt on which appears the official denomination of the country: "Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam" (Socialist Republic of Vietnam).

Emission 2003-2019

 Emission 2003-2019

MO 0905230




10000 Dong 2009


20000 Dong 2006

The Japanese bridge, built in 1593 to connect the districts inhabited by the Chinese and Japanese communities, also called "Lai Vien" (the bridge of friends from distant countries), is one of the oldest bridges in Hoi An.

50000 Dong


In the early 1920s, Minh Mang built a building for diplomats inside the citadel, near the door of Ke Trai. He had the name Công Quân or Cung Quân.



100000 Dong  2004

The Pléiade Pavilion is part of the architectural complex of the Temple of Literature, located in the district of Dong Da, Ha Noi.
 Built at the beginning of the 19th century, this square building, comprising 2 floors and 8 sections of roof, is topped with 4 brick pillars.

200000 Dong  2010


La baie de Hạ Long, plus communément appelée chez les francophones baie d'Along, est une étendue d'eau d'environ 1 500 km² située dans la Province de Quảng Ninh au nord du Viêt Nam, dans le golfe du Tonkin à proximité de la Chine et à 170 km à l'est de Hanoï. Elle possède 120 kilomètres de côte. Ses 1 969 îles karstiques lui ont valu d'être inscrite sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO en 1994, avec une extension en 2000. C'est l'une des principales attractions touristiques du Viêt Nam.

La legende:
Ha Long signifie "descente du dragon" en Vietnamien. En effet, la légende raconte que le paysage exceptionnel de cette baie est dû au dragon, être bénéfique et bienfaiteur au Viet Nam, qui serait descendu dans la mer pour domestiquer les courants marins. C'est en se débattant qu'il aurait entaillé la montagne avec sa queue. Le niveau de l'eau serait monté et seuls les sommets les plus élevés auraient émergés

Ha Long Bay, more commonly known as the Halong Bay Francophone, is an area of approximately 1,500 km² located in Quảng Ninh Province in northern Vietnam, in the Gulf of Tonkin near China and 170 km east of Hanoi. It has 120 kilometers of coast. Its 1,969 karstic islands earned it UNESCO World Heritage status in 1994, with an extension in 2000. It is one of the main tourist attractions in Vietnam.
The legend:
Ha Long means "descent of the dragon" in Vietnamese. Indeed, the legend tells that the exceptional landscape of this bay is due to the dragon, to be beneficial and benefactor in Viet Nam, which would have descended in the sea to domesticate the marine currents. It was while struggling that he would have cut the mountain with his tail. The water level would rise and only the highest peaks would have emerged

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